Highway 407 Transitway Preliminary Studies Underway
The Ministry of Transportation is currently undertaking the planning, design and environmental assessment regarding the ‘407 Transitway’ anticipated to be constructed from Hurontario Street in Brampton/Mississauga to east of Highway 400 in Vaughan. The Transitway will include a dedicated transit corridor, stations, parking and other features required to operate bus rapid transit along the highway. In time, the system may be converted to light rail transit.
The Ministry may be required to expropriate privately owned lands to accommodate construction of the Transitway.
In these early pre-expropriation stages, Ministry staff will often contact owners whose lands may be required for the project to coordinate site visits to allow preliminary studies that will assist in finalizing the Transitway design. It should be noted, however, that property owners are in no way required to grant the Ministry or any of its representatives or contractors permission to enter their lands. Explicit permission to enter privately owned property, typically through a ‘permission to enter’ agreement, is required. Otherwise, the authority is trespassing.
In negotiating the terms of a permission to enter agreement, or ‘PTE’ it is recommended that owners seek the assistance of independent legal counsel. A well-drafted PTE may contain a number of provisions favourable to the land owner. In fact, a PTE can lay ground work that could be helpful later on in the event expropriation proceedings are initiated.
If you have received documentation from the Ministry relating to the Transitway project, or wish to review the process in more detail, please contact us at any time.
For more information about the Transitway, owners may wish to consult the following website: https://407transitway.com/hurontarioTo400/